Despite no longer being the leading streaming platform, Netflix still has its fair share of…
Stand-Out Marketing in a Me Too Marketing World
I have written lots of advertising, with a great deal of my attention being on…
The Business World Needs More ‘Olympic’ Visionaries
The Olympics had been a threat to rejoice for dozens of athletes, and for many,…
Your Inner Thoughts Create Your Outside World
It is humorous how existence works; how often have you noticed that every time you…
Trader World: Is The Stock Market Something You Can Learn?
Investing buy, buying, and selling is a place full of risks and open to wild…
Wonders of the Known World – Reefs in Tobago
Tobago, a small island in the Caribbean, is famed because it is the least spoiled…
Horse Racing News – Hard Times Come to Irish Racing
Suppose there may be one u. S. A. In the world that loves its racing,…
World Economic Meltdown Continuing – Hurting US Diplomacy
The CIA and the Pentagon have each stated that this worldwide economic disaster is taking…
Teaching Your Children About the World Beyond Your Backyard
During a hot, humid Canadian summertime, my daughter told me, “A boy and a woman…
Inner Peace Leads to World Peace
We all say that we want peace on this planet. Most of us are honest…