Whenever you decide to go on a backpacking trip, however short or long it is, you must carry certain items to have a comfortable journey. Listed below are the ten main items you should carry-
- Travel Backpack- a travel backpack is a basic necessity, and you must choose the best one. Ensure that the one you choose has enough compartments, is practical, and is light enough for you to carry
- Travel towel- carrying your everyday towel could be a problem, especially when trekking or camping. These towels are bulky, take a lot of time to dry, and can also allow mold and fungus growth if wet. Therefore, a good idea would be to carry travel towels that dry fast and fight off fungus and bacteria in addition to being lightweight and easy to carry
- Travel underwear—Believe it or not, there is specific travel underwear available today that dries extremely fast and protects your body from bacterial infections. These are a more viable option than regular underwear.
- When planning your toiletries and travel soap sheets, try to carry soap sheets instead of bottles or bars of the same. This will reduce the space occupied and the weight of your bag.
- Packing cubes are compact rectangles made of nylon or mesh. They allow you to pack your clothes so that everything occupies little space.
- International plug adapters—When you travel from one country to another, the electrical specifications will change. This will include the voltage that appliances run on and the type of socket present. To ensure you are always well prepared, look up the voltage requirement and carry an international plug adapter that you can use.
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Solar charger—If you are traveling to trek or backpack across remote areas, you may not have electrical points to charge your appliances. But you will always have the sun wherever you go, and you should carry a solar charger.
- Luggage locks are one of the main items you will need to keep your belongings safe, especially in crowded areas.
- Money belt—A money belt is a small pouch that you can wear under your clothes, containing most of your money and passport. It will keep your money safe if you are robbed on your trip. Make sure that you carry a fake wallet with some money in it so you can give this up.
- Daypack/ bag- a day bag is handy when you go out to explore the place you have traveled to. You can leave your heavy backpack in your hostel or hotel and explore lightly. Additionally, your day bag can carry the bare necessities you will need, including your money and passport.
For electrical necessities for your backpacking trip, please click on https://www.europlugs.com/ for all your answers.